Sunday 1 March 2020

- WEEK 02 -

  C O N C E P T   S T A I R   M O D E L


Location: Underground Studio to Ground Level

Reference Section Sketch (Scheme 1)


S T A I R   S E C T I O N   S K E T C H E S

I N I T I A L   I D E A S  /  P L A N N I N G

F I N A L   D E S I G N


S K E T C H U P   M O D E L   I M A G E S
The user’s experience is inspired by the word ‘entrap’. Curved wooden frames attached to each tread acts structurally as a contemporary balustrade, and conceptually as forming the ‘ribcage’ of Australia’s delicate Indigenous identity. The stairs carry the user eerily through the ‘ribcage’ and into the heart of the client's physical workspace, which materially echoes an intimate love for Australia’s heritage. 

South Elevation
The irregular 'rib cage' utilises space to fulfill two functions: The smaller, caged staircase on the left is designed for individual user access between the two floors, while the one on the right is intended for >2 people to transport the client's furniture pieces.

South Elevation (Close-up Perspective)

Each tread alternates from natural timber to glass flooring panels, which creates the illusion of 'gaps'. This highlights contemporary Australia's state of ambivalence towards indigenous Australian culture. Glass panels also acts as a form of sky light that filters through light from the above level.

East Elevation
Steel support frames underneath treads allows room for storage space of Trent Jansen's finished furniture pieces and/or raw materials.

Two Point Perspective


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